Dr. V. Gopi Krishna

BDS, MDS, PhD, FDSRCS ad hom (UK) is the editor of three reputed textbooks including Grossman’s Endodontic Practice – 12th, 13th & 14th Editions and Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry – 1st & 2nd South Asia Editions, that are read by more than 30,000 students annually. He is the clinical mentor for The Endo Finishing School programs that are held by Root Canal Foundation at India, Malaysia, Myanmar and Dubai. He has mentored more than 2000 dentists across Asia through these microscope enhanced training modules.

He is currently working as Adjunct Professor at SRIHER University (India) and is also the Associate Editor of European Endodontic Journal. He is also the Secretary for International Federation of Endodontic Associations (IFEA) and Secretary General of the Indian Endodontic Society & Indian Board of Endodontics.

He was also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Conservative Dentistry from 2008 – 2016 and Editor in Chief of the Endodontology Journal from 2019-2021. Dr Gopi Krishna has presented 300 + invited podium lectures globally.


Adjunct Professor, Sri Ramachandra Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, India: https://www.sriramachandra.edu.in

Secretary, International Federation of Endodontic Associations: www.ifeaendo.org

General Secretary, Indian Endodontic Society, www.ies.org.in

General Secretary: Indian Board of Endodontics: www.ibeonline.org

Associate Editor, European Endodontic Journal: www.eurendodj.com

Founder – Director, Root Canal Foundation : www.rootcanalfoundation.com



TOPIC:  Shaping and Cleaning Strategies for an Ultimate & Predictable Outcome

Shaping and Cleaning have for long been seen as two distinct entities that a clinician performs.

This presentation would provide a concept of an adequate working width that can be achieved with newer generation rotary endodontic files that would accomplish shapes that facilitate adequate fluid dynamics in the critical apical third of the root canal. The final deep shape that a file needs to achieve has to be in sync with the endodontic irrigation protocols.

An overview of clinical protocols that would enhance predictable outcomes would also be highlighted.