Dr.Stefano Conti
Stefano Conti has received D.D.S. degree at the University of Medicine and Surgery, School of Dentistry, Parma, Italy, in 1989.
He has attended courses on Implant Dentistry with dr. David Garber, dr. Henry and Maurice Salama at the Goldstein Garber & Salama in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
He has completed 1-Year UCLA/ gIDE Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry at the UCLA School of Dentistry, California,USA.
He is lecturer at the Master Program of Implantology at the University of Parma, School of Dentistry
He is lecturer at the Master Program of Facial Esthetics at the University of Parma, School of Dentistry
He lectures every year in various parts of Italy, Europe and South America.
He is Active member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, IAED.
He is Active member of the Digital Dentistry Society,
DDS Romania
He works in his private practice in Parma – Italy and London – UK, where he has restricted his clinical work to Implant Surgery and Esthetics around natural teeth and Implants.
Vertical Freedom
From Tooth to Implant: B.O.P.T. and Prama
The presentation focuses on a new Prosthetic protocol for vertical preparation
of the tooth, ( BOPT-Vertical Freedom concept) and on a new concept of implant, designed to work in synergy with biological factors in achieving bone crestal and soft tissue stability for long term esthetics.
All the steps to performe V.F ( B.O.P.T.concept), from tooth preparation to final crown cementation, will be analyzed with clinical cases.
Furthermore, the advantages of a minimally invasive adhesive dentistry, ( Minimal Vertical Prep -No Prep ) with new trends in Anterior Indirects, will be uncovered.
Biodynamic Soft Tissue shaping by using a new emergence profile of the implant will be highlight ( BOPT concept and intramucosal implant)
Implant neck/connection, 3D positioning, tissue friendly emergence profiles with an accurate analysis of STA around an implant supported restoration will be discussed.
Learning objectives
The main goal of the presentation is to give the practitioners useful techniques to apply
immediately after the course, increasing quality and predictability of their work and
new protocols enabling them to achieve function and aesthetics in everyday dentistry
with a minimally invasive approach
Delegates will know how to:
Learn how to performe the B.O.P.T. technique ( Vertical freedom Concept)
( tooth preparation – provisional relining – impression – final cementation)
Understand the advantages of an Intramucosal Implant
Learn how to work ( biological and prosthetic algorithm) with Intramucosal Implant
Understand how to master Papillae and Facial Gingival Dynamics around natural
teeth and around intramucosal implants
B.O.P.T Philosophy
BOPT concept:
Limitations and advantages
Vertical vs Horizontal tooth preparation
Vertical preparation of the tooth:
- Prosthetic approach and new Biological Width
- Gingival margin and harmony retrieval
- Crown margin and periodontal response
- Intrasulcular mapping
- Tooth preparation
- Provisional relining (step by step)
- Cementation
New emergence profile
- New PCEJ
- Emergence profile and prosthetic contours
- Adaptation profile and soft tissue response
Minimally invasive adhesive dentistry
( Minimal Vertical Prep -No Prep )
Additive Veneers and New pCEJ
Think Thin Casting Tecnique
Lab Procedures
IMPLANTS : the Intramucosal concept
- Prosthetic emergence profile of Implant/Abutment
- B.O.P.T implant vs natural tooth
- Bone level and Soft tissue level Implants
- Intramucosal Implants
- Soft tissue thickness and STA
- Simplified implant placement
- Apical-coronal freedom
- Vertical platform switching
- Soft tissue thickening and stability
- Biodynamic Soft Tissue shaping concept
- Implant Position and Prosthetic Solution
- BOPT concept
- Prosthetic finishing area
- Implant and prosthetic integration
- Long term esthetics